My PaperPie Journey

Thinking of joining us as an PaperPie StoryMaker? But not sure you have the time, will fit in or have what it takes?

You’re in good company. I was in your shoes a few short years ago. As a young girl, connection has always been important to me. But I struggled with finding those relationships. The ones that help you grow, support and uplift you. It seemed time, the what if’s of not being enough and distractions always got in the way.

Then as an adult I found my very best friend. She was always there to listen and help me through life. One day she was suddenly taken from this life and it was hard! I wondered what next and who I might talk to in those difficult times. Then I realized, though no one could or would ever replace her, I had so many friends right in front of me with UBAM!

I have been able to grow past my doubts of myself, gain confidence and do things I never thought possible. You can too!

What if this is your chance to find that very same thing?! The connection, fulfillment and purpose you have been looking for. What if in the end your life was transformed with a supportive tribe that guide and uplift you in all that you do?

“What if the chance you take in the end… is just how you find your very best friend?”

Curious to learn more?