Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! I’m Sarah, a team leader with PaperPie! Based in Hamilton, Illinois, I am thrilled to help your family find ways to create memories and connect together with hacks, inspiration and the most amazing children’s books! My family has not only fallen in love with these books but we have become more connected and strengthened as we create memorable moments that count.

A little about me… I come from a wonderful family who are dedicated to working and serving their community within the medical field. They truly have given so much including sacrificing time with family to do what they do. Don’t get me wrong I am so amazed at all they have done! But have you ever been disappointed with how busy life can get?

It seems there is a never ending to do list, places to be, work, devices and not to mention how fast time goes by without all the urgent to do’s. There is just never enough time to create quality connections and in blink of an eye life is going by and your kids are growing. Then comes the mom guilt? Have you ever wished there was more you could do? That you could do more?

When I became a mom I had no intentions of being a stay home mom. Didn’t think it was possible and planned to work at a local health care system as a dietitian. As I began working I realized that I was working more than I was with my family. It put a strain on things and I realized I was becoming more like my parents. I knew what that felt like for me as a child. The feeling of disappointment every time another sport event, birthday, etc was missed. The wondering if you mattered because the little moments just were not there. I could not let my children go through that. Plus the strain on my marriage, the guilt of missing the moments, paying someone to watch my kids and see the things I hoped to witness, wondering if I was doing enough stressed me out more and more. That’s when I had to do something about it.

As I learned about the PaperPie opportunity, I found I didn’t have to let life happen to me but that I could create the life I wanted with my family! That with the willingness to learn and grow I could connect with so many amazing moms, gain confidence and strengthen my family. It had been a transformation. As I continue to transform myself and family even more my goal is to share all the wonderful things I have learned and provide opportunities for your family to do the same.


I absolutely LOVE empowering moms who feel overwhelmed and unfulfilled, create more time to thrive with their families, have meaningful relationships and find sense of purpose. Please know I am here for you and would love to connect with you! Send me a message and let me know does this sound like you. Do you want to connect more with your family but not sure how?